Monday, January 23, 2012

Day Twenty Three

Dear Readers,
      Today it rained hear in beautiful Southern California.  I love the rain.  Rainy weather is the perfect time for me to relax with a book on our comfortable couch, listening to the rain pitter patter on our skylight.  Makes me wish I had a fireplace, that is all that is missing.  I went to school in Oregon for about three semesters worth, before I got myself kicked out for never going to class.  Young and dumb.  In Oregon, at least in Eugene where I was, it rained pretty much nonstop from late October until April.  It was always at least a constant drizzle, and very cold.  So cold in fact, I stopped riding my bike to class because by the time I would get there my fingers and nose would be frozen from the wind.  That is, the few times I did go to class.  Rain is great to have on occasion, but to live in it more permanently would get pretty dreary.  The only downfall to having rain here in Southern California, is that no one here knows how to drive in it.  For some reason, when there is even barely a sprinkle out, people here acted like we are having a snow blizzard and forget how to drive with a little water on the ground.  We already have some of the worst drivers here, why do they have to make it worse in the rain.  Driving is not rocket science and plain logic will tell you to drive more carefully in bad weather.  So why are there so many accidents as soon as a drop of water hits pavement?  I think that is my biggest complaint about living here in Southern Cali, the bad and stupid drivers.  They are everywhere around here.  You can't get away from them.  I am constantly dodging and honking at them.  And rain just exacerbates it.  Just the other night while I was waiting for the green arrow to turn left,  the person in the fast lane next to me decided to make a left turn with me.  Almost hitting me in the mean time.  I could understand if she had gotten my attention and waved asking if she could get in to turn.  It happens, driving somewhere you aren't familiar you miss the turn signal not realizing that it was the street you were supposed to turn on.  We all have done it, asking for help to get into the next lane.  This lady though, just drives right up into me to have her way.  It is people like that who cause so many accidents and injuries to innocent people.  I think the driving test should be stricter, getting some of these dumb people off the road and keeping it safer for those drivers who do pay attention to what they are doing.  That still probably wouldn't help, but something needs to be done. 
      My last accident was over ten years ago, when I was hit while making a left off a freeway exit.  A lady drove through a red light hitting the back end of my truck and spinning me around.  She would have took off too, if I hadn't drove my limping truck to follow her, forcing her to stop at a gas station.  And of course, she didn't have any insurance.  What does it take to make people a little more responsible, to use a little more common sense.  I guess that is why Thomas Paine had to write a book called "Common Sense", because there isn't enough of it in this world.  If it was so common, why don't more people have it?  Are there more of you out there that feel the same way?  I hope so.  I just wish there was more we could do about it.
                   A wizard is never late. Nor is he early. He arrives precisely when he means to
                                                            (That's so Wizard!)

Soooo Epic! (I am envious)

And yes, I rant to take the pain away from the loss my 49ers took yesterday.  Kyle Williams, I do not wish you dead as some do, but I do wish you to never return a punt for the 49ers ever again.  I think everybody had it better than us yesterday.

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