Thursday, January 19, 2012

Day Nineteen

Dear Readers,
      Why do I allow myself to get distracted and procrastinate writing my blog.  This blog would be way lots better if I did it at a reasonable hour.  Yes, I said "way lots better".  There is a guy at my work who actually uses that phrase without hesitation.  Just part of his vocabulary.  Needless to say, it has caught on from making fun of that phrase so much that it has become a part of my every day usage at times.  It is one thing to use it at work, but a completely different to bring it home with me.  I guess if you do things enough it will catch on and just become natural, even if it is for joking sake.  Another habit I took from work is whistling.  One of our crew leaders constantly uses whistling as a means for communication.  When you work with him, you have to learn a whole new language.  It isn't just whistling either, he has his own phraseology for things.  When he is talking about getting something done quickly, he says "We get it done no problem, bam bam boom it's done".  Bam bam boom has so many other uses as well.  Explaining to someone how to install pipe, "You just go bam bam boom, it's done".  We tell him he needs to just start his own plumbing company called "Bam Bam Boom Plumbing".  Between that and the whistling, it is a different language.  You have to learn his tones, pitches, and tunes to know what he is talking about when he whistles at you while pointing at something.  After a month or so, it just becomes second nature and you automatically know what he is meaning to say with each whistle.  One guy at work told me he went home one day and was asking his wife to go grab something from him in the other room.  He did it in whistle talk, and his wife told him that she wasn't a dog and didn't respond to him whistling at her.  That he needed to use his words.  It was funny to hear him tell me how he had to explain to his wife that it had just become second nature to whistle and he didn't mean it that way.  If you think about it, you spend more of your time with your co-workers during the week than you might your own wife.  I work nine hours a day and even if I came straight home and stayed up until midnight, it would still be eight hours spent with my wife opposed to the nine hours I spent at work.  So with all the time you spend with your co-workers, you are bound to pick up bad habits, terminology and other mannerisms that just become a part of yourself.  This doesn't just happen with co-workers.  Ever heard of the term "Show me your friends and I'll show you yourself"?  It means that the people you spend most of your time with will rub off on you.  And the other way around, you will rub off on them.  It happens, you just start to share certain characteristics or mannerisms.  So think about the people you spend most of your time with.  Is that the type of person you want to become, because you will most likely share a resemblance after a short time.  Think about it.
                                                              He chose....poorly.

Don't mess with a guy with a beard, no matter how old he might be. You might have to call the "amber lamps".

They really do.


  1. Yes David I like when you use your words too! Much better then grunting.

  2. Good advice ;-)
    When is Micah staying the weekend with you?
