Monday, February 20, 2012

Day Fifty One

Dear Readers,
     My brother in law, Brandon, is always tired.  Every time we are at a get together, he talks about how tired and sleep he is.  I keep telling him that he should work out and do the Spartan race with us, because by working out he will have more energy and feel better in general.  Besides, who doesn't sleep better after a really good workout.  Brandon is also one of those guys who can sleep anywhere.  The guys at my work joke with me about how I can sleep anywhere, but they haven't met Brandon.  He must have narcolepsy, because not only is he always sleepy, but he actually falls asleep anywhere we happen to be.  I am really shocked that I didn't find him sleeping somewhere at mine and Raina's wedding, let alone his own.  All he usually needs is a seat on the couch and a pillow for comfort.  His habit of sleeping anywhere and everywhere has started a new habit for me.  I started about a year ago, maybe a year and a half.  I started to take a picture of him sleeping on my phone every time he did.  Which, like I said, is every time there is a get together.  Needless to say, I have about twelve photos of Brandon sleeping at all sorts of events.  Birthday parties, fourth of July, Christmas dinners, barbeques, the Super Bowl and so many other gatherings.  I am glad I now have an outlet to share my hard work.  I am hoping this will give him a little motivation, and get him to join the Spartan with the rest of us.  I think this whole "sleepy" thing for Brandon plays into his not being as social as normal.  He really is fun to be around, as long as he isn't sleeping.  So if the extra energy he would get from the exercise gets him to be more sociable with large crowds, I am doing more than just him a favor.  Break him out of his shell a little bit.  The other thing about Brandon is, he seems to hate to dance.  So when we are all at a wedding or something, it is like pulling teeth to get him onto the dance floor.  I have a feeling the extra energy will get him out there too and I am sure his wife will appreciate that.  So here is to Brandon doing the Spartan for the benefit of himself, his wife and his friends.  What about all you people from out of town that don't get to see Brandon very often?  I am pretty sure the last thing you want to do is to come and hang out with him, only for him to fall asleep on you.  Just make sure he isn't getting comfortable on the couch.

This Day In History: 1725
A posse of New Hampshire volunteers scalp 10 Native Americans and collect a bounty of 100 pounds per scalp.  It was the first recorded instance of this grim practice being used by Europeans in the American colonies.

Born This Day: 1898
Enzo Ferrari - Italian car designer and manufacturer.

"There is nothing worse than a brilliant image of a fuzzy concept."
-Ansel Adams

A nice collection of photos I like to call "Peaceful Brandon".

And one funny picture of Brandon I am sure he is going to kill me for showing, but it is for a good cause.  Can you believe he stole that from McKenna, his own niece.


  1. Lmbo!!! Those pictures are too funny!! Please remind me to always be on the look out when ever I see you!
    Some of those positions look extremely uncomfortable too!

  2. I have a curse in that i can get comfortable anywhere. and by the way, the sippy cup is an awesome way to drink some juice especially because it won't spill when i fall asleep from working as hard as i the way, anyone notice that most of those pictures are from chuck and lisa's house?
