Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Day Fifty Two

Dear Readers,
      I know I have kind of been picking on Brandon and Brooke, but there is just so many stories about them.  As I got home from work, showered, and got ready for our men's study tonight that we do every Tuesday, I couldn't help but wonder what I was going to talk about tonight.  Nothing was coming to mind right away.  Then Brandon called and gave me a story to give voice to.  Right as I was walking out the door to head over to our study, Brandon calls, asking if I happen to have AAA.  Immediately my mind goes to the possibility of a flat tire, engine won't start, dead battery, or the engine blew up because he forgot to out oil in it. Nope.  I should have known better.  Brandon, as he was picking up the Little Caesar's pizza for tonight, had locked his keys inside his station wagon.  Actually it is a hatchback, but at first glance it totally looks like the station wagon my mom used to drive us to school to when I was five.  Yup, thank you Brandon.  I kept thinking, how did he manage to lock his keys inside when he has an alarm that locks and unlocks his car doors for him.  Wouldn't his keys have had to been in his hands when he locked them.  Wrong again.  The battery for his alarm was dead and he needs to replace it.  He locked the car manually after getting out of the car.  It has been so long since I had locked a car manually that I forget that not that long ago, that was the only way to do it.  Well, I don't have AAA, so he had to use our friend Chris'.  The AAA guy showed up and had the car unlocked in two shakes.  Makes you realize how easy it really is to break into a car these days.  Either way, I have to give it up to Brandon for continually feeding me stories to share with the rest of the world and here is to many more stories to come.  Maybe it is pay back for all the times he has used me or my wife in bible study illustrations seeing on how he is a pastor and all.  Again, all for a good cause.  That is entertainment and for the beard.  Because without stories to tell, there is no blog and without the blog, there is no beard. 

This Day In History: 1965
African-American nationalist and religious leader Malcolm X is assassinated by rival Black Muslims while giving a speech at a New York City ballroom.

Born This Day: 1875
Jeanne Louise Calment - Frenchwoman who was the world's oldest woman when she died at 122, one year after she released a rap CD.  (Probably Brandon's wife in a previous life)

"Some books are undeservedly forgotten; none are undeservedly remembered."
-W.H. Auden

That's right, beard me baby!  That is one cool shirt.  At least I think it's a shirt, or towel.

1 comment:

  1. thanks dave, you jinxed me. so at 4:15 this morning i got a flat on the way in to work today.
