Saturday, February 4, 2012

Day Thirty Five

Dear Readers,
      Less then twelve hours now until the hammer falls.  And when the hammer falls, it's gonna fall hard.  On my knees that is.  I tried to eat good today, so I am not so bloated tomorrow.  Dinner was my downfall.  I had a fairly decent lunch of tuna and chips, but Raina and I went to an early dinner at my parents house for Yoli's, my sisters, birthday.  My mom made one of my favorite childhood meals.  Carne con Chile.  It is basically steak, fried up with onions and peppers with a chile sauce.  Served with beans and rice, and eaten with tortillas.  A fantastic, but simple meal.  Throw a little salsa on top to finish it off.  I gorged and am now going to pay for it during our run.  It's one of those meals I don't get very often and I try to make the most of it by stuffing my face.  Then, on top of all that, Yoli made some homemade macaroni and cheese.  So delicious.  I love the baked crust of cheese over the top.  Just slightly burnt for flavor.  It's a good thing I am not a big dessert person, otherwise, count me out of the race.  I would just as soon have another helping of mac and cheese before having some cake and cookies.  Hopefully enough of the food will burn off by tomorrow morning and the rest will serve as a reserve energy source.
      While sitting at the dinner table tonight, my nephew Joshua went from sitting next to me, to sitting on my lap.  Then it became my responsibility to shovel food into his mouth when he wasn't eating.  The kids were eating chicken "dinosaur" nuggets and the mac and cheese.  Joshua was only eating the chicken.  So, after stuffing himself with "dino" nuggets and telling his mom that he was done, his mom tells him he has to have one full bite of the mac and cheese before leaving the table.  So, I get a fork full of mac and cheese to feed him.  He didn't get a chance to swallow it before he choked and threw up half his dinner all over the table.  It was fantastic.  I blamed my sister's mac and cheese as the culprit, for causing Joshua to throw up.  The only bad thing was that when he chunked, I backed my chair up and smashed Raina's finger between the wall and my chair.  Poor thing had her finger stuck for a few seconds and it swelled up on her.  Now she has the knee problem and a finger problem.  I just hope it wasn't her iPod song changing finger.  Lesson learned.  When kids throw up, bad things happen.  Be wary.

This Day In History: 1789
George Washington, commander of American forces during the Revolutionary War and a pivotal figure in the adoption of the U.S. Constitution, is elected as the first U.S. president.

Born This Day: 1902
Charles Lindbergh - American aviator who flew solo across the Atlantic Ocean in 1927

"You miss a hundred percent of the shots you never take."
-Wayne Gretzky many things that can be hidden.  Maybe a hidden camera or a microphone.

1 comment:

  1. Oh man, seing Joshy throw up from my angle of view was priceless! I still laugh if I think about it. and No! don't blame the mac and cheese...
