Sunday, February 26, 2012

Day Fifty Seven

Dear Readers,
      My first car.  That was one ugly car.  It wasn't even really mine.  It was my sister's old car that was just sitting in our driveway collecting dust.  She had obviously gotten a new car and left her old one to rot.  It was a bright blue 1981 Toyota Tercel hatchback.  It was pretty stinking ugly, but it was a car and I didn't have one of those.  I think I had just started my senior year in high school when she left it for dead.  Naturally, I decided to not let it go to waste and drive it around myself.  It was a manual transmission that was so old and beat up, you could shift without using the clutch.  Not that I did it too often.  It couldn't have been good for the car.  It was small, shook when you got it above 55 miles per hour, but great on gas.  It also had a CD player in it, which was great for back then.  The one improvement my sister Yoli had made on it.  For my senior year, it was perfect.  A way to get from point A to point B and listen to my music in the process.  I wasn't complaining at all.  So what if it was the ugliest car in the whole parking lot at my high school.  I guess it wasn't the ugliest, but pretty close.  Considering there was a Brat, a Gremlin, and a Rabbit in that same parking lot.  All we needed was an AMC Pacer.  Again, I didn't care.  I was just happy to be driving.  You weren't "cool" unless you were driving and now I was "cool".  At least I thought so and that's all that mattered.
      The Tercel didn't last very long.  I drove it for about eight months before I destroyed it.  I was driving to school with my younger sister Melissa.  Driving down Rosecrans Blvd, doing about 40 when I could see my lane packed with cars ahead.  So I decided to change lanes to cut around them.  As I started to merge into the other lane, a car made an illegal left turn into the lane I was merging into.  He/She crossed a double yellow to get there.  It forced me to swerve back into my lane and I was going too fast to stop behind the already stopped cars in my lane.  I swerved to the right into the sidewalk, but I couldn't get over the curb.  Instead, I bounced off the curb and back into the car stopped in front of me.  I actually managed to slam into the side door of the van instead of the rear bumper.  I probably caused more damage that way, and it ended up being my fault even though all I was trying to do was avoid the stupid driver making the illegal left turn.  I should have just let them hit me and then it wouldn't have been my fault.  Oh well, you live and learn.  If only I could have gotten over the curb, instead of bouncing off of it.  At least that way it would have just been the damage to my car and not another car as well.  And that is the end of the "Blue Blur" saga.  That is the nickname my dad gave to that car when my sister came home with it.  It was a short, yet fun saga.  Full of laughter and sadness.  It was damaged beyond repair and I was left to having my mom drop me off to school for the last two months of my senior year.  R.I.P. Blue Blur.

This Day In History: 1935
In violation of the Versailles Treaty, which prohibited military aviation in Germany, Adolf Hitler signs a secret decree establishing the Reich Luftwaffe, or air force, with World War I air hero and high-ranking Nazi Hermann Goering at its head.

Born This Day: 1846
William "Buffalo Bill" Cody

"Science says the first word on everything and the last word on nothing."
-Victor Hugo

The Blue Blur in all its glory.  This is exactly what it looked like.

Total and complete utter awesomeness.

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