Monday, February 13, 2012

Day Forty Four

Dear Readers,
      I made it back to the gym today.  Only have to go fifteen more times and it will become a habit.  At least I hope so.  My wife and I dragged another couple with us to the gym this time.  While the ladies were hitting up a serious round of cardio kick box, my buddy, Chris, and I were getting a heavy duty leg workout.  Yes, the dreaded lower body workout.  These days have to be the worst, because all I can think about is how I am not going to be able to walk at work the day after tomorrow.  I already know it is going to be torture getting in and out of my work truck all day.  Not to mention having to kick a shovel around.  Ugh.  That is okay though, because I have wrangled another recruit to join me in Spartan glory.  Chris has decided to join the "Beardly" club and grow a beard while competing in the spartan race.  I now have five recruits.  Four fellow water co workers and Chris.  It is going to be awesome and the pain will be well worth it in the end. 
      A long time ago, while in high school, I had a good friend named John May.  John and I went to the same high school and played football together.  John also drove a Subaru Brat in high school.  If you don't know what a Brat is, it is basically a Tonka Toy version of a truck.  Only a two seater, unless you had the two bucket seats in the back, which John did not.  This "truck" was so small and light, that a group of us football players used to pick up his Brat and move it to the other side of the parking lot as a prank or lift one side of the truck onto the parking median it was parked next to.  The other problem with this truck, is that John drove it like a madman.  Hitting the gas at every dip and hill to try and get some air.  I can remember a specific time when John was left to drive myself and another friend to the local Taco Bell.  With the truck only having two seats, one of us had to lie down in the back without being seen by local law enforcement.  We would play rock, paper, scissors to decide who got stuck in the back.  For John, it didn't matter if he had someone laying back there, he still drove like a crazy man.  You would lie back there trying to press against the inner walls of the bed so as not to slide from side to side, or to keep from sliding into your head when he slammed on the brakes.  It was always an adventure riding in the car with John.  This is the same John May who while playing a round of golf, was goofing around on the cart so much that he tipped it over down the side of a hill.  At least it was never boring hanging with John.

This Day In History: 1866
Jesse James, a Confederate veteran of the American Civil War and one of the best-known outlaws of the American West, robs his first bank, in Liberty, Missouri.

Born This Day: 1923
Charles E. "Chuck" Yeager - American test pilot who was the first man to break the sound barrier.

"Opportunities multiply as they are seized." 
- Sun Tzu

This is what a Subaru Brat looks like. Can you even call it a "Truck"?

I think he ate just a little bit too much calamari. What do you think?

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