Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Day Forty Six

Dear Readers,
      Another Spartan workout today.  Went to the gym and killed my arms.  I wore myself out so badly that I could barely keep my arms up to wash my hair in the shower afterwards.  Just have to keep the goal in mind.  And besides, I can't wait to be lifting in the gym with the longest beard in town.  It's gonna be so wizard.
      Work today, was awful.  I usually love my job, but today, not so much.  Rainy days at work are usually the most boring days at work.  Rain really limits the kind of work we can get done.  If you don't know, I pretty much dig holes for a living.  I work for a water department, maintaining and installing the city water lines.  So when it rains, you can't have an open hole.  If the soil is too wet, you can't get good compaction and the wet soil would become spongy.  Meaning if you drove over it, your tire would sink in.  Not to mention the possibility of contamination if you have the pipe exposed.  So rainy days tend to be clean up days at our yard.  Clean out the truck or our storage areas.  Take scrap metal to the recycle center.  Survey future job sites.  A lot of medial and monotonous tasks.  So what I generally do on rainy days, I ask to go home early and use some the vacation time the city graciously gives me to use.  Unfortunately, it wasn't raining early enough today to allow that.  After what happened on Monday, meaning how it was supposed to rain and we had about two drops of water hit the ground, the boss had us go to work as usual.  Which meant we had a large project to do with a good size hole open just as the rain started hitting us hard.  Once you get to a certain point, you have to just keep going.  Especially when you have the water off for the local 99 Cents store and they need bathrooms.  Can't just pack up and go home.  Have to get water to the business or home.  Which means working in the downpour.  Working in rain completely sucks.  You are wet, your boots and socks get soaked, you get mud everywhere and it just makes a huge mess.  Mud sticks to your boots, which makes them heavy to walk around in.  It really just makes it miserable.  That was my day today.  All I wanted to do afterward, was to come home and get into a hot shower.  I had to just wash some of the mud off and get the workout cloths on.  When I finally did get home at 7:30 PM, the hot shower was heavenly.  Throw on some comfortable shorts and a shirt, and eat a healthy yet delicious dinner made by my wife.  Now I am ready for bed.  Have to get my beard growing sleep.

This Day In History: 1971
England bids farewell to the shilling, adopting instead a decimal system of coinage.

Born This Day: 1564
Galileo Galilei - Italian physicist and astronomer

"The true measure of a man is how he treats someone who can do him absolutely no good." 
- Samuel Johnson

Ain't that the truth

1 comment:

  1. Did you really say "It's gonna be so wizard"?!? LOL!!!
