Sunday, February 12, 2012

Day Forty Three

Dear Readers,
      I made it to the gym yesterday.  I did exactly as I said I was going to do.  Watched 300 for a little motivation and headed to the gym to work out and weight train for the first time in about six months.  I also received a confirmation, a sign.  I have muddling with the idea to do a "Spartan Race".  If you don't know what that is, it is basically a mud run on crack.  The basic one is called a "Spartan Sprint".  It is basically a 5k with fifteen different obstacles that need to be overcome.  The kicker is that you don't have any foreknowledge of the race course or what obstacles you will need to complete.  Basically, a hardcore tough man competition.  The sprint is just the beginning, there are three harder levels of difficulty to work your way up to.  I have decided to do it.  Why?  Because yesterday I watched 300, full of Spartans.  When I got on the treadmill to warm up, there was a basketball game on with the Michigan State Spartans playing.  I am currently reading a book, titled Spartan.  And the name of the race is the Spartan Race.  It all came together yesterday.  Now I have until December 1st to get into better shape and train for this race.  And if I decide by June that I am well on my way, I will sign up for the next level of difficulty scheduled for January 26th of next year.  That one is called the Super Spartan.  Which extends it to an eight mile course with twenty five obstacles.  It is all about commitment.  No more excuses.
      I am looking to recruit some people to do this with me.  I find it makes it easier if you have some along for the ride and to push you.  Besides, there are group discounts available.  So, who is with me?  Who is man or woman enough to join me in my quest.  There is a prerequisite though.  I firmly believe you should have a beard in time for the competition.  The power of the beard will get us through this.  If you are a woman, than maybe grow out your leg hair or something.  I don't know.  And if you are a guy and can't grow a beard, I posted the beard vitamins recently.  So there are no excuses.  Like I have said before, beard up or shut up.  I am hoping to see some fellow "Spartans" out there.  Especially a certain P90X Greek out there that I know.  How fitting for a Greek to become a "Spartan".  I will be hard at work training, waiting for those few out there who are up to the challenge.  You have plenty of time to train, but not much more time to sign up.  It is already 95% full.  I am waiting.

This Day In History: 1924
American composer George Gershwin, 26, debuts his revolutionary work, Rhapsody in Blue, which was written in such haste that he had to improvise much of the piano solo at its premiere in New York City.

Born This Day: 1809
Abraham Lincoln

"No man is good enough to govern another man without that other's consent."
-Abraham Lincoln

Join me in Spartan victory!