Sunday, February 19, 2012

Day Forty Nine

Dear Readers,
      Spent the day working out, hitting the weights this morning.  Should have done my blog during the couple of free hours I had in the middle of the day.  Now it is stinking late after going to a 40th anniversary party.  Can you imagine, being married for that long.  It is going to be awesome when I get to that point with my wife.  They are good friends who's family we have known for many years.  It was a great party and I will have to tell you a little more about it tomorrow.  I can barely keep my eyes open.  So tired.  So until tomorrow then.

This Day In History: 1678
English author John Bunyan publishes Pilgrim's Progress, which is now said to be the most frequently reprinted book in English after the Bible.

Born This Day: 1745
Count Alessandro Volta - Italian scientist, inventor of the electric battery, for whom the unit of electrical potential is named (volt).

"If everything seems under control, you're just not going fast enough."
- Mario Andretti

It really isn't.

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