Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Day Thirty Nine

Dear Readers,
      I absolutely love baseball.  I love to watch and analyze every part of the game.  I can sit and watch a baseball game and actually predict the way some things are going to happen.  Whether it is knowing the players and their tendencies or just from watching so much baseball period.  So, why am I so terrible at softball.  Granted, I haven't picked up a ball or bat for close to thirteen years.  And that time in my life was just for fun.  I watch enough baseball that I should know what I am supposed to do.  It is just a completely different thing to go out there and execute it.  My problems tonight began in warm ups.  Yes, we hadn't even started the game yet and I was already having problems.  I am going to blame it on the fact that I don't have my own glove and I am borrowing one that doesn't seem to fit right.  Not that I would know what is supposed to fit right, since I haven't played in so long or had my own glove since I was six.  Today during warm up throws with another teammate, I was hit in the forehead with a ball.  I reached up to snatch the ball out of the air and it caught the top part of my glove and didn't actually sit inside of it.  It bounced up off the glove, right into my forehead.  I wasn't going to talk about this, but Raina made sure to tell me that I should talk about it.  I was a little embarrassed at first, but the more I think about something, the less I am embarrassed.  I don't get embarrassed or stay embarrassed for long.  I can now laugh about it.  Laugh about how completely uncoordinated I am out in that field.  It seems so much easier to see it happen.  Like I said, I know what to do, I just can't execute as well as I should.  The ball hit me pretty hard but didn't knock me down or anything.  I have a nice mark on my forehead.  I am sure I will get a little flak about it tomorrow at work.  So I might as well just lay it out  now.  Oh well, I am just having fun being out their trying to learn the game for myself.  I can't take life too seriously.  You have to be able to laugh at yourself.  Besides, it makes it easier on everyone else as well as yourself.  That way everyone doesn't have to walk on egg shells around you.  Live and learn, and sometimes laugh. 
      If you are wondering, I had one hit in two at bats.  Yes, I struck out again.  I watched another guy hit one over the tall fence and told myself that I should be able to do the same.  Some of these guys are smaller than me.  So, I went out there and tried to swing for the fences.  Bad mistake.  I totally whiffed the first time and was almost positive the next pitch was a ball.  It wasn't.  I struck out looking, in slow pitch softball.  It's all fun and games.  At least I had one hit, which is more then some.  Our team is pretty bad.  We were beat by a score of 22-6.  Pretty stinking bad.  Like I say though, you have to laugh and have fun.  No sense in stressing over a game.

This Day In History: 1908
American inventors Orville and Wilbur Wright close the first sale of military aircraft by contracting to sell a model A flyer to the U.S. Army for $25,000.  The Army agrees to pay a $5,000 bonus if the plane can fly faster than 40 miles per hour.

Born This Day: 1828
Jules Verne - French author

"In the End, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends." 
- Martin Luther King Jr.

In case you can't see the mark in the first picture. (From getting hit in the head with a ball.)

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