Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Day Thirty Eight

Dear Readers,
      Woke up this morning with more stomach pains.  Another mostly lousy day at home.  I'm feeling better now and am ready to get back into the swing of things.  Starting with today's blog. 
      Quite a few years ago, I am guessing about seven or eight years ago, I received a phone call early in the morning.  Waking me up was Raina.  I answer the phone to her sounding very distressed.  So of course I am trying to figure out what is wrong with her.  She then proceeds to tell me that a car has driven through the front of the house and trapped her insider her room, and to hurry and come get her out.  It took a second for the information to process before I realized she wasn't playing a joke and I needed to hurry.  I told her I was on my way and hurried to my dad's garage.  I went to the garage to grab tools.  She had told me she was trapped, so I was thinking I needed crowbars, hammers and other tools necessary to tear a wall down to get her out.  I hurry up, grab all the necessary tools and race over to Raina's house.  By the time I get there, she is standing outside waiting for me.  I couldn't believe what I was seeing after the phone call I had just gotten.  Turns out, the fire department had already been there and helped her out.  They came to her front door knocking and asking her to let them in, all the while she is trying to explain that she is trapped in her room.  What I didn't realize is that "trapped" meant that the car hitting the house had knocked over a couple of dressers into the door holding it closed.  They were too heavy for Raina to move out of the way by herself.  So the firefighters crawled into her bedroom window and moved the dressers for her.  So when I arrived I get all the questions of "What took you so long?".  So I had to explain to her what I thought she meant by "trapped".  Granted, she was a little freaked out by the situation.  If only she had explained herself, then I would have been there sooner though.  What was most amazing about the situation was that the place where the car hit the house was where Raina used to have her bed set up.  She had just rearranged her bedroom the previous month or so.  It is kind of crazy to think how close to injury or death she might have been.  Just another way that God protects, by giving her the desire to move her bed over.  As simple as that.  Moral of the story, make sure your explanations are made clear over the phone.  That proper information is received. 

This Day In History: 1984
American astronaut Bruce McCandless becomes the first human satellite when he exits the space shuttle Challenger and flies untethered, using a jet-powered backpack of his own design.

Born This Day: 1812
Charles Dickens

"I do not feel obliged to believe that the same God who has endowed us with sense, reason, and intellect has intended us to forgo their use." 
- Galileo Galilei

Gotta have a beard on the inside too

1 comment:

  1. I love that your first thought was to run to the garage and grab tools...so "Dad" of you!
    Did you stop and make sure to clean your car windows first....and checked the oil in your car with that oil stick??
