Sunday, February 19, 2012

Day Fifty

Dear Readers,
      It has been a really busy weekend.  Barely any time in front of the computer.  Yesterday was full of working out, running and going to a 40th anniversary party.  Today was going to church in the morning, having lunch with a friend from out of town and then dinner for my sister in laws birthday, Brooke.  The anniversary party yesterday was a blast.  Got to see so many people we don't normally get to see.  It was set up like a wedding reception, except you didn't have to sit through the wedding ceremony to get to the fun stuff.  The eating and dancing.  It was great getting to fill up on steak and mashed potatoes, then topping it off with a nice slice of strawberry cheesecake.  Then the dancing begins.  This couple of forty years are big time dancers.  They have taken lessons and dance so much that they now give lessons.  This couple is the same one who taught Raina and I our little dance number for our first dance at our wedding.  I am pretty sure they go out at least once a week, just to dance.  They even crashing weddings, just for the dancing.  I have to say that I am pretty jealous that they are such good dancers.  Me, on the other hand, have two left feet.  When it comes to dancing with my wife, I just act a fool.  Pretty much, the more you think you look like an idiot, the more people think you actually know how to dance.  It is just about having fun, and Raina and I can have a lot of fun making ourselves look like fools.  All in all, a tremendously fun time. Happy Anniversary Don and Linda!
      Dinner for Brooke's birthday tonight was more good times.  Get to pig out on Chinese food and try to embarrass Brooke as much as possible.  Which really isn't very hard to accomplish.  Just the fact that I am talking about her right now is probably going to embarrass her.  She hates to be the center of attention, and you don't garner any more attention focused on yourself then on your birthday.  Everyone stares at you while you open cards and presents.  Everyone singing your birthday song to you.  While you just sit and accept all the attention.  There isn't too much more that I enjoy then making people feel uncomfortable and embarrassed.  One of the big reasons Brooke is so much fun to hang out with.  She really makes it easy.  I made sure it was a really loud birthday song in the restaurant that we ended up having to sing twice for her.  We brought a cake and then the restaurant brought out a small bowl of ice cream.  So, if you are ever around Brooke and you want to see her squirm, make her the center of attention.  It will make you laugh.
      One other thing, my wife decided it would be funny to stick a q-tip in the belt loop of my pants this morning without me knowing.  It managed to stay in there the whole day without me or someone else noticing.  At least I don't think anyone noticed, because nobody said anything to me.  When we got home and she saw it back there, she started cracking up.  She didn't stop laughing for about ten minutes.  Needless to say, I did not find it as humorous as she did.  Something as simple as a q-tip can make my wife's day.  Glad I could play a small part in that.

This Day In History: 1847
The first rescuers reach the Donner Party, a group of California-bound emigrants who had resorted to cannibalism after they were stranded by heavy snow the previous autumn in the Sierra Nevada Mountains.

Born This Day: 1924
Lee Marvin - American actor (The Dirty Dozen)

"Let me assert my belief that the only thing that we have to fear is fear itself - nameless, unreasoning, unjustified terror that paralyzes needed efforts to convert retreat into advance."
-Franklin D. Roosevelt

John Lennon, brilliant.


  1. Hahahaha!! Love the q-tip in the pants! Sounds like something I would have done! Great minds think alike :)

  2. know me too well, the second I saw my name my stomach dropped and thought oh geez now what!!!:) but thanks for celebrating with me, and being amused at the same time! Glad I could add a little entertainment for the night, not that it really needed it the way the conversation ended up! and I laughed so hard with the q-tip! well done Raina, there is just something with you and q-tips :) I will have to try that on brandon!

  3. Seriously that q-tip had me laughing so hard all night long. Even know if I think about it I will start laughing. To see him take off his shirt and that q-tip still there was priceless. And his face when he saw what I was laughing about made me almost pee my pants.

    1. hahaaha i love it Ray :) Thanks for coming to my parents party guys, they had a blast! :)
