Friday, February 17, 2012

Day Forty Eight

Dear Readers,
      I am almost thirty years old.  Growing up, I always thought I would have a family in a suburban home.  Then I actually grew up and reality set in.  Looking back, I am glad I didn't get married younger and have kids.  I am really happy with how things have turned out.  By dating Raina for as long as I did, it helped us to work through all of our issues together before getting into a situation with no return.  Which, to me, makes it that much stronger because we could have given up so many times and we didn't.  I think our marriage is that much stronger because of it.  I hear all the time how the first year of marriage is supposed to be the hardest, that you are still learning about the other person.  Well, after eleven years of dating, there were no surprises and it was one of our easiest years together.  I am very blessed to have my wife and have her stick with me through all we have been through.  It wasn't always easy.
      Getting back to my point.  When I was younger, I didn't realize how much longer it would take for me to grow up and realize those illusions I had.  Still no house of our own.  Marriage was first, the house is next.  Hopefully before the whole kid thing.  Saving for a house has been pretty difficult.  Especially since I am pretty bad with my money.  Not to say that I am terrible.  I don't get into debt, I just don't save.  Especially in my younger years, if I had money, I spent money.  It didn't stay in the bank account for very long.  I made pretty good money working for LA Fitness in my early twenties, but after working there for almost five years, I really had nothing to show for it except a decent DVD and video game collection.  Not really saying much.  I was living at home with my parents paying no rent, and still had no savings afterwards.  Where did it all go?  I didn't really grow out of that until I started working at my current job.  Then I started to grow up.  Still living with my parents, I was able to pay off all my school debt and begin to save money.  It was great knowing I had no debt and a nice chunk of money in the savings account continually growing.  Then I grew out of my fantasy world so to speak.  I had matured enough to feel confident that I could be the husband to Raina that she deserved, so I asked her to marry me.  I don't regret using my entire savings to make my wife happy.  The best decision I ever made.  It just put a delay in my plans to one day purchase a home.  That is okay by me though.  Homes come and go like all possessions, but the memories and moments I create with my wife are forever.  So here we are, almost two years into our marriage and we are on the verge of being ready to buy our first home together.  The thought is a little daunting, but very exciting.  The plan is for this year, but plans can always change.  Here is hoping for the future and making the best with what we get. 
      By the way, Happy Birthday to my sister in law Brooke.  Praying for another year full of blessings for you, and maybe a game of "Quidditch" soon.  Hehe.

This Day In History: 1817
A street in Boston, Massachusetts, becomes the first in the United States illuminated with gas streetlights.

Born This Day: 1936
Jim Brown - American Hall of Fame football player
Brooke Piliavin (1981)

 "The fortune of our lives...depends on employing well the short period of our youth."
-Thomas Jefferson

I have to find a way to join this club.

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