Sunday, February 5, 2012

Day Thirty Six

Dear Readers,
      I can't believe I live to see another day.  I made it, all 13.1 miles.  Amazingly, I don't feel as bad this week as I did after last weeks run.  Raina and I were up at 6AM this morning and were out the door by 6:35AM.  Drove out to Huntington Beach and had a nice little walk to the "Start" line.  So many people there.  We didn't realize when we registered that they would set us up in heats based on our predicted finish time.  I had registered us for a three hour finish time, which put us near the back end of the heats.  We were so anxious to get started that we cut in line to get near the front.  Besides, if we had stayed near the back, we would have had to fight around all the slow people.  Not to say we ran that fast, but there were plenty of slower people.  Yes, Raina beat me by about 35 seconds.  She is just a much stronger runner than me and I am proud of her fighting through her injury to do well and finish.  There was one really cool shirt that said "Beast Mode" with an "On" switch.  I thought that was pretty funny, as well as the one lady with the sign that said "Do it for the Facebook pictures".  Another guy was running the half with us while balancing a watermelon on top of his head.  And he was running faster then us.  Unbelievable.  One guy amazed me by running the full marathon while carrying an American flag on a pole the whole way.  My arms were tired just from carrying my little iPod Nano on one arm and carrying a bag of energy chews in the other.  I am just glad I finished and rewarded myself with a nice helping of Carne Asada Fries.  I ate way too much today.  Raina also made chili today, for the Super Bowl.  I am so full.  All that work, down the drain in two sittings of food.  It was worth it.  At least I didn't ruin it like so many other people did, by visiting the "Free" beer garden and getting all the free beer you can drink.  That would have been a total waste.  Especially considering it was Michelob Ultra.  Nasty.
      What was especially nice about doing the half marathon today, is that I had a free pass to basically do nothing while the game was on.  Everyone just feels bad enough to the point that most everything gets done for you.  Fantastic.  I was glad the Giants won the game.  I really didn't want to see Tom Brady win another Super Bowl and be tied with Joe Montana for most Super Bowl wins by a player.  I like that a 49er is on top.  It is a little bit of a consolation that the 49ers lost to the eventual champion as well.  Just a little consolation.  I still would have given just about anything to see the 49ers in that game.  Oh, and Tom Brady is just so smug that it is nice to see him knocked down a notch.  I have to say, I was pretty disappointed with the commercials, except for the M&M's one.  That was pretty funny.  Other  than that, not so much.  Now, I can't wait for baseball season.  Less than two months away and then "It's time for Dodger baseball!"

This Day In History: 1952
New York City erects the first "Don't Walk" sign as a response to pedestrian fatalities in crowded Manhattan streets.

Born This Day: 1837
Dwight Lyman Moody - Better known as D.L. Moody.

"Nine-tenths of wisdom is being wise in time."
-Theodore Roosevelt

Yes, my call sign for the day was "Da Beard"