Thursday, February 16, 2012

Day Forty Seven

Dear Readers,
      I have had the worst case of writers block today.  I have been sitting in front of the computer for two hours now without a single clue as to what to write about.  My day was boring, so that is out.  I missed my workout today, another check on the list.  I haven't gone anywhere.  Just a simple daily routine with not much to talk about.  Well there is the whole thing about the state getting rid of redevelopment, which puts the city I work for in a six million dollar hole for the next fiscal year.  That is making things at work interesting.  Six million is a lot to come up with in one year.  Who knows, we may be furloughed finally.  I give credit to the decision makers in city hall over the last ten years.  Considering we are one of the last, if not the last, cites to have to go to furloughs to cover costs.  At this point, it is still a process and could take a few months before we see that happen.  Either way, furloughs is better than losing jobs.  Thankfully I still have mine.
      Funny story.  During our trip to Washington D.C. last summer, we were walking around Georgetown.  While in a store called Dean and Deluca, I decided to grab a soda because I was thirsty.  Not to mention the sweltering heat outside.  So I go over the the fridge to get one of the one hundred different sodas they had.  I grab an orange soda and as I am pulling it out, it catches at the bottle cap under the shelf.  Then it proceeds to slip from my hand.  It was like something out of a movie as I watched in slow motion the bottle falling and bouncing off six or seven other bottles all the way to the bottom of the fridge.  I am imagining the glass bottle breaking along with all the bottles it is hitting on the way down.  As it hits the last bottle at the bottom, it hasn't broken yet and I am thinking I am going to escape unscathed.  As it hits the last bottle, it wobbles back and forth to where it could topple to its side or out of the fridge.  I try to reach for it.  I was just barely too late.  It toppled towards me to the floor.  It hit so many bottles and didn't break, only to fall out and shatter on the floor.  I get that awkward look from the other store patrons while I am standing there dumbfounded.  My instinct tells me to just walk away and act like someone else did it.  Before I can decide, my mind is made up for me.  My brother in law, Matt, witnessed the mishap and immediately starts to laugh and point at me.  Making the scene even bigger.  As Matt is standing there making fun of me, he decides to bust out his phone to take a picture of the embarrassing moment.  As Morpheus once said, "Fate, it seems, is not without a sense of irony."  As Matt is pulling the phone out of his pocket, it catches, and the phone goes flying out of his hand and slams into the ground.  The guy standing next to me then says how at least mine was only a five dollar mistake, while Matt's was a five hundred dollar mistake.  The phone didn't break, but it was still a funny moment.
      Later that day, my wife decided to make me feel a little better about the bottle breaking incident.  She decided to spill a box of grapes onto the floor while shopping in a Target for groceries.  My wife always knows how to make me feel better about myself. 

This Day In History: 1923
The sepulchral chamber of King Tutankhamen's tomb in Thebes, Egypt, is unsealed by English archaeologist Howard Carter.

Born This Day: 1954
John McEnroe - American tennis champion

"The object of war is not to die for your country but to make the other bastard die for his."
- General George Patton

Me with my smashed bottle of soda and my smashed pride.

Raina, making me feel better.  I love her.  If only I had a picture of Matt and his phone on the floor.

1 comment:

  1. I am so glad you had writers block because this one literally made me laugh out loud!! Hahahahaha
