Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Day Forty Five

Dear Readers,
      Happy Valentines day everyone.  Thanks again to all you followers out there.  It surprises me sometimes to hear about who is actually reading my blog.  I will get random people telling me they have been reading it, people I didn't even suspect.  It is really neat to hear the different views and perspectives that other people have.  It makes writing everyday that much more enjoyable, instead of it having to be a chore.  So I say again, thank you.
      Valentines day is such a strange holiday.  It doesn't even have a clear cut origin to how this "holiday" came to be.  I began wondering how this love crazed holiday was started, so I looked it up.  It originates from an actual Saint named Valentine or Valentinus.  Even then it could be one of three such Saints with that namesake or variation of.  And usually his actions didn't have anything to do with "love" per say.  Only that one of them was imprisoned at one time and sent a "greeting card" to somebody while in prison.  Hence, sending valentines to each other.  It is all so vague though.  There is another theory where in England and France it was commonly believed that February 14th was the beginning of mating season for birds, which added to the fact that Valentines day is celebrated for "love" or "romance".  How strange it all seems.  This all makes me tend to agree with one of my fellow co workers who is a firm believer that this is a holiday generated by candy and card companies to push sales for themselves.  So at least one month out of the year, there is free advertisement for their product simply because it is a holiday and that is what you are supposed to do.  You are supposed to get flowers and chocolates and cards.  Which is why this certain person doesn't celebrate Valentines Day.  How he gets away with that while being married I will never know.  Regardless of how it started or why we do these things, it is still a nice way to show the one you love how special they are to you.  With my wife, it is nice that it isn't expected.  So when I came home with flowers, a card and chocolate covered strawberries, she was genuinely happy to have them.  I knew that I didn't have to do it, but I did it anyways just to show my love and gratitude for having her in my life.
      I could go on and on why I am married to the best woman in the world, but I will give you just a taste.  She is always considerate of me, in every decision she makes.  It is nice to know that she will always consider me.  She is an awesome cook and baker.  The guys at my work can attest to my wife's baking skills.  I am always bringing Raina's cookies or cakes or other desserts into work.  I am not a big sweets eater, so I take them to work to give away.  They are always eaten, usually with requests for more.  It is now an annual tradition for my wife to make a big batch of cookies during Christmas for me to take into work.  In so many ways, she is amazing to me.  I could not ask for a better wife and supporter.  I love you Raina.  Thank you for spending your life with me.

This Day In History: 1929
In what would become known as the St. Valentine's Day Massacre, three men dressed as police officers enter the headquarters of Chicago gangster Bugs Moran, line up seven of his men, and shoot them to death.  A result of the gang war between Moran and Al Capone.

Born This Day: 1818
Frederick Douglass

"Nothing in the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity." 
- Martin Luther King Jr.

Valentines Day cards for your manly husbands and boyfriends with beards


  1. Babe, if I was a bad baker and cook, would you still love me and think you were lucky????

    I am so lucky to have you as my husband and I'm glad to spend our 14th Valentines Day together!

  2. Ahh, this was a sweet one David!
    By the way tell Raina I am now mad at her! She has never made me any cookies! COOKIES AND MILK!!! (haha, I had to say that)
