Saturday, February 11, 2012

Day Forty Two

Dear Readers,
      I have bummed around the house all week pretty much.  Aside from actually going to work and being sick.  Which means that I haven't done anything to stay in the little bit of shape that I have gotten myself into by training for the half marathon.  After sitting around and being lazy for a week, I feel like I am already back to where I started six months ago.  I have decided to agree to do another half marathon with Raina in October.  We will call it her birthday gift.  It is the Long Beach Half Marathon on October 7th.  I have more time to train this time around.  Only this time, I am not going to just be happy with training to run for long distance.  I am making a commitment to get in all around better shape.  After running last week, I definitely felt better about myself and could feel a difference after the six months of training.  I didn't lose very much weight though.  Only about six or eight pounds and I still have my gut.  I can't get rid of that thing.  So, as I stated before, I am doing more complete workouts this time. 
      I really enjoy going to the gym and lifting weights, but I hate going and working out by myself.  That has always been my biggest downfalls when it came to working out.  If I had someone to go with I would probably go a lot more consistently.  I know it is just an excuse.  So I am using this blog as sort of a way to keep me a little more accountable.  I have to use any gimmicks or tricks I can to get myself motivated.  I am tired of always being tired and not being able to move around as well as I should.  I am not even thirty years old yet and I feel forty.  Not good.  So not only will I be a better runner by the next half marathon, but I will feel better about myself.  It is just a matter of getting out the door.  Once I am at the gym or out running, I am good to go.  Afterwards, I always feel so much better that I did it.  Besides, I would like to spend some time at the beach this summer and not feel so bad about my gut hanging over my trunks.  By the way, Raina and I are inviting anyone who would like to, to join us this October in our quest of surviving another 13.1 miles.  Not only surviving, but conquering.  I plan on cutting at least fifteen minutes from my time.  I have placed the goals, now it is time to see them through.  Hopefully I encourage some of you to set a few goals of your own.  I start today, by watching 300 as motivation to head to the gym and get my workout on.

This Day In History: 1990
South African anti-apartheid leader Nelson Mandela is released from prison after spending 27 years behind bars.

Born This Day: 1847
Thomas Alva Edison

"There is nothing like returning to a place that remains unchanged to find the ways in which you yourself have altered."
-Nelson Mandela

Finally, the cure for human male baldness...the Beardover.


  1. Babe I am so proud of you and I know that we can look good in 2012!!!

  2. You didn't lose much weight because it sounds as though (based on previous blogs) you still eat bad, losing weight consists of regular exercise and eating right. Just because you work out, you shouldn't use that as an excuse to eat how and what you want. I'm sure you will see much better results if you implement healthier eating habits along with your work outs. Do it for the right reasons and it wont feel like such a "task" but rather your life style. You want to be healthy and fit enough to chase your child (whom is named after a song) around the park without hyperventilating. Just find the right motivation, like you did with the half marathon, and you can do it!
