Friday, February 10, 2012

Day Forty One

Dear Readers,
      Thank you for the support and encouragement everyone.  I am feeling a little better today.  The pains are not as frequent today as yesterday.  I am hoping it will mostly be gone by tomorrow.  At least I am crossing my fingers it will.  Thank you for the prayers.
      On my way home from work today, "Angie" by the Rolling Stones came on the radio.  Hearing that song reminded me of a dear friend of ours with same namesake.  She lives, along with her family, up in Oregon.  How they manage to survive up there without us I will never know.  We barely do down here.  Needless to say, the Gibson family are very dear friends to us and we miss them very much.  We attempt to go up and visit them at least once a year.  We aren't always successful.  Hopefully one day we will be able to convince them to move closer to us again.  Anyways, the point I am getting at is the fact that a song can remind us of certain people.  Especially the ones that carry the same namesake.  Which leads me to the talk about baby names. 
      Don't worry, I am not announcing anything.  Raina and I are not pregnant and don't plan to be for at least another year or so.  I am talking about the random conversations I will have with my wife about possible names for our unborn child.  The point is, we plan on having children someday and we always liked the idea of naming one after a song.  So we could have a song to sing to our child or something like that.  We even went so far as to Google a list of songs with names in the lyrics to look at all the possible names we could use.  It doesn't look promising.  There wasn't a single song we liked that we also liked the name.  And when we did like the name, we didn't care for the song.  There was actually one song that could have worked, except the name is already taken by Raina's cousin.  "Sweet Caroline" by Neil Diamond.  We both actually really like that song and that name, but alas, it is taken.  So, our hopes of a song to sing to our child as he or she grows up are diminished.  Our only hope is that a new song will come out.  That is highly unlikely though, with Raina and I being as picky as we are. 
      Names are a very important decision to be made about your child.  It is not something to be taken lightly.  Having a good name is something to be proud of.  I am very proud of the name my parents chose for me.  It has a very important meaning and I would never change that.  It amazes me to see how flippantly it seems that some people choose their child's names.  Some, it seems, just to make it the most outlandish and crazy name possible.  Maybe just so no other person will choose that same name.  Almost like they were made up out of thin air.  Historically, names held great importance and could tell others a lot about your character and where you came from.  It really does amaze me to see things that used to hold so much importance to now be decided on a whim.  Just another sign of how our society has changed, and not necessarily for the better.  Importance is placed in completely different things now.  Such as your hairstyle, or clothes, or having the newest phone, or so many other trivial things.  So I encourage those that have the blessing to become a parent in the future to choose wisely.  Make it mean something.  Something your child will be able to hold on to.

This Day In History: 1837
Aleksandr Pushkin, the great Russian poet and novelist, dies from wounds he received defending his wife's honor in a duel forced on him by influential enemies two days earlier.  His opponent was his brother-in-law, Baron Hecheren d'Anthes, who had turned and fired after only four paces.

Born This Day: 1893
Jimmy Durante - American actor and comedian

"Never mistake motion for action."
- Ernest Hemingway

For those of you poor souls who have to endure not being able to grow a manly beard while the rest of the world leaves you behind we now have this.