Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Day Fifty Nine

Dear Readers,
      To finish the subject of cars I have owned, the Blue Blur 1982 Toyota Tercel hatchback was first.  Then my parents got me the most awesome graduation gift, my 1999 Ford Ranger.  I really loved driving that truck around.  That truck and I have had many many miles together.  That truck got me back and forth to Oregon dozens of times.  It also made it to San Antonio and back.  Those were straight drives with only stops for gas.  For seven years that truck was my driving partner.  Too bad it died on me and I didn't want to pay the money to get it fixed.  After the Ranger died, it was on to the beast of a car in the 1995 Ford Thunderbird.  I told you all about my adventures with that car yesterday.  Finally, after getting my life and finances straightened out, I purchased my current truck.  My first experience buying my own car.  It is a 2007 Chevrolet Silverado.  I have wanted a Silverado for a long time.  It was just chance that I found my truck sitting at a dealership.  It was only two years old when I bought it, with only 17,000 miles on it.  It was the last year of the model I wanted, with low miles, and you can't beat black.  I would have just been happy if it wasn't some funky color like bright green or purple.  So I was blessed to find the truck I have now and to be financially stable enough to get it when I did.  I can't complain about it at all.  It is great driving a car that I don't have to worry about.  Almost two and a half years and I have only had to get new tires and oil changes.  Vehicles come and go.  My wife's car has become somewhat of a lemon and I would love to be able to replace it for her sooner rather than later.  It seems like her car is getting work done on it every four months.  It didn't even pass smog last year.  I had to get the exhaust manifold and catalytic converter replaced.  I can't wait to get her something reliable and not have to worry about her.  She has had her share of accidents in that car.  I am hoping there isn't anymore before I can get her in a better car.  Crossing my fingers, knocking on wood.

This Day In History: 1803
The U.S. Congress approves President Thomas Jefferson's plan for an overland expedition to the Pacific and appropriates $2,500 to cover expenses for what became known as the Lewis and Clark Expedition.

Born This Day :1906
Bugsy Siegel - American Depression era gangster who founded several casinos in Las Vegas.
???? - Lisa Vargas (Happy Birthday!  We love you Lisa.)

"Glory is fleeting, but obscurity is forever." 
- Napoleon Bonaparte

So Warm.

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